Get Involved

If you would like to get involved with the SBCC project, the best thing to do is contact your local partner organization.  Links to each organization's website can be found on the "Partners" page.  There are always ways to help and each organization is working on a variety of projects, many of which directly benefit the Sandy Brook region.


One project in particular that many partners are participating in is the Stream Continuity project:

Maintaining the integrity of rivers and streams within the Sandy Brook region is of highest priority to the SBCC partnership.  Road stream crossings often pose a significant threat to these interconnected aquatic passageways.  Unsuitable crossings not only disrupt wildlife movement, but alter natural hydrology and sediment transport.  Connectivity is crucial to these natural processes and poorly designed stream crossings can act as barriers.  Ecologically unsuitable crossings also often correlate with the potential for culvert structure failure, posing a threat to public safety.  Properly designed crossings not only provide important wildlife corridors, but maintain safe roadways, and minimize expenses associated with more frequent repair and replacement due to washouts.

Depending on the site, a replacement or retrofit of an incompatible stream crossing can provide a viable alternative to an existing structure, though many crossings will not need any improvement at all.  To determine what action must be taken, information about the present environmental conditions and social needs must be acquired.

The first step in maintaining healthy stream environments is understanding what currently exists.  Professor Scott Jackson of UMASS Amherst has initiated an inventory of all existing stream crossings throughout NewEngland.  By utilizing Jackson’s established procedures, all data collected by participating organizations are added into the regional online database.  Data are analyzed to produce a suitability score for each crossing.  This information can then be accessed by the public via the Stream Continuity website.

The SBCC Stream Continuity Project will first survey the area lying within the Sandy Brook watershed in the towns of Colebrook and Norfolk, CT.  These towns hold the majority of land and crossings within the SBCC region.  Once these two towns are surveyed, inventories in the other five SBCC towns will begin.  Some of these data have been independently collected by other organizations (Housatonic Valley Association in Sandisfield, MA) and added to the online database.

Once the inventory has been completed, data collected can be used to influence policies and procedures regarding the replacement and repair of stream crossings at the town and state levels.


Ryan Williams via